
God is Merciful To My Unrighteousness

Thank you, Lord, You are merciful to my unrighteousness; You remember my sins no more; yet, You don’t forget my...

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Your Mercy is for Me Today

I enter this day, Lord, desiring to be a blessing. I know I will make mistakes – even today. But...

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Resurrecting Hope

None of us are immune to despair; All of us need hope! Today, Lord, I will hope in You. Scripture...

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Arise in Hope

Think about His love and feed upon His faithfulness!   Scripture for Today:  Lamentations 3:21-23 (ESV) “But this I call...

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Jen and Maryann have come together in the love of Christ to share the Word and their love of God to women of all ages and all walks of life. I came away from the retreats refreshed, cleansed, and so much better.
Cynthia Halpern, Godfrey, IL