True Worship
Lord, teach me how You want to be worshiped. May my worship of You be true, pure, holy and undefiled. ...
Finding Myself in the Scriptures
Your hands have made me, Lord. You are the Potter and I am the clay. Help me find myself in You as...
Recipe for Peace
I want to enjoy the peace that surpasses all understanding, but life’s moving so fast. Lord, help me experience Your peace,...
Got Peace?
I rebuke the storms looming in my life, And I say to my own spirit and soul – heart and mind...
Love that Cannot be Denied
Lord, You are the seal upon my heart. Your love for me is stronger than death itself. Topic of the...
Perfect Love Overcomes Fear
God, You are perfect love, and perfect love casts out all fear. Today, I will overcome my fears by giving...
Tackling Demands with Thankfulness
No matter the demands this day presents, I will exalt God and give thanks to Him. Topic of the...
Giving Thanks When You Hurt
Even when I hurt, Lord, I will give You thanks – not for the painful circumstance, but in the midst...
Employing an Attitude of Gratitude
Today, I choose to rejoice! Today, I choose to give thanks! I know this is God’s will for me in...
Seeing the Joy Set Before Me
What I focus on in any situation will influence the outcome. Help me, Lord, to fix my eyes upon You,...