Growing Together
Father, may Your words ever be on my lips. May my life be a reflection of You, that others might...
Faith Works
Almighty God, You are the love of my life, the desire of my heart, and the center of my focus!...
Sincere Heart
Father, Your amazing Grace is enough for me. Your steadfast love carries me through each day. Help me to set...
Search and Rescue
God, I am valuable to You.You pursued me, found me, and rescued me fromthe darkness surrounding my life. I am...
Deeply Rooted
God, as I read Your word I am reminded of Your promises.If I abide in You, You abide in me....
Unshakable Faith
Oh Lord, strengthen me in Your Word;May Your praise ever be on my lips! Focus of the Month: Ordinary Women...
Barren Places
Lord, my heart will trust in You – while I wait. I will rise and cling to the riches of...
Believing Precedes Seeing
Father, my heart longed for You, My soul thirsted for You, How did I hunger for what I had not...
Where is My Mind?
God, I know I am to control my thoughts. Today I choose to think on Your words. Transform me, Lord,...