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Drawing Your Sword

Lord, teach me your Word,
Engrave it upon my heart; that I may be armed
in Truth for any battles that come my way.


Focus of the month: Growing Our Faith

Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are; Up above the world the so high, like a diamond in the sky; twinkle, twinkle little star how I wonder what you are…

Are you familiar with this tune? As a young child my mom taught me this song and then I sang it to my own daughters. I would recall this or other lullabies when calming my crying baby or singing as my young one drifted off to sleep. It never felt like a chore to memorize a lullaby because I knew it helped my little one feel safe and loved in my arms as I sang it.

While in school I learned to commit facts and formulas to memory in order to help me grow in knowledge, get good grades and learn new skills. Although more challenging, it was possible, and I knew it would help me advance in my education. Once I took the time to learn these things, I was able to retrieve them from memory and use the information, as needed. All in all I think you would agree that it is possible and beneficial to memorize and recall the things that help us handle different situations in our lives.

So how does this apply to growing our faith? This month, we have focused on the importance of spending time alone with God and taking time to study His word. How can we use these two things and take our faith even deeper? If we spend time in God’s Word and we commit it to memory it will help us in our time of need, times of despair and times of joy! We are missing out on a very important spiritual tool that God has provided us when we choose not to do this.

Memorizing verses and even entire passages of scripture helps us to know God better. Scripture is the way God has chosen to reveal himself to us. Every book of the Bible tells of who He is and of His great power. His Word is alive and active and that is why only HIS Words hold any power. No nursery rhyme or “how to” book can transform us in such a real and complete way. Why don’t we take the time to learn what will heal our hearts, lighten our burdens, and bring peace to our soul? I can’t answer this for you, but I encourage you to think about it. My relationship with God has never been stronger, I have never felt closer, or desired His Word more than I do now that I have taken the time to commit some scriptures to memory. It is never too late, we are never too old and it will absolutely grow our faith. 

I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11 (ESV)

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105 (ESV)

“and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,” Ephesians 6:17 (ESV)

 Bible verse memorization ensures we will be armed with the appropriate truths and principles. They will be written on our hearts and in our minds and we will be able to recall them instantly to effectively respond to the evil one who seeks to destroy us.

Rejoice that God has made this possible by giving us “the Sword of the Spirit”– His Word.

Holding Fast to Hope,


Scripture References: Psalm 119:11, Psalm 119:105, Matthew 4:4, Prov 6:21-22, John 10:10, John 15:7



2 comments on “Drawing Your Sword”

  1. Judi Koehler
    February 22, 2025 at 10:17 am

    This is exactly what came to my mind this morning when a friend shared with me Joshua 1:9!! Well that’s my life verse and I have committed it to memory!! Remember Psalm 1??? This is so relevant for our lives today and so extremely helpful at any time during our day!! Call on God thru His memorized Word!!!

  2. User Avatar
    February 22, 2025 at 5:46 pm

    Yes Ma’am! As we allow God’s Word to be written on our heart we open ourselves up for much blessing! Thank you for sharing your life verse and how it has helped you. I agree that it is relevant for our lives as well.

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