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Got Peace?

I rebuke the storms looming in my life,
And I say to my own spirit and soul – heart and mind – “Peace! Be still!”

Topic of the Month:  Peace

Whether the details swirling in our heads, the circumstances swelling in our lives, or the physical state of the world writhing around us, we all experience the chaos, turmoil, and fear storms produce. How do some maintain peace while enduring storms, yet others panic, buckle, and are violently overtaken by every looming threat? How do we stand in the middle of life’s storms and not be a casualty of their harassing, brewing havoc?

Any of us could share an innumerable amount of stories when storms had surfaced in our lives, and how we desperately desired peace. Most of us are familiar and can identify or empathize with the battles of sickness, injury, demands, lack, threatening weather, or dangerous circumstances. All have experienced super-storms in our own minds.

No matter the source, any storm has the capability to carry us away to a place of lack, loss, debilitating weakness, paralyzing fear, and crippling confusion. Most of us do not want the results the storms threaten to provide. Many of us may cry out to God for rescue, refuge, deliverance.

Mark 4:37-39 says:

“And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. But He was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke Him, ‘Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?’ And He awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, ‘Peace! Be still!’ And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.”

Jesus was not moved by the storm. He was not overwhelmed with fear. He did not dwell on what to do, how to prepare, or any “what-ifs” as a result of the storm. Jesus simply rebuked the wind and spoke to the sea: “Peace! Be still!”

As I prepared to write this entry, people have been facing many different “storms.” I have struggled with what personal application to share. Sure, I experience storms: battling condemning thoughts defiantly demanding I am unworthy of God’s redeeming promises; overcoming illnesses and loss; fulfilling the roles, requirements and expectations of others in my life… But these seem to pale extremely in comparison to the earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, detrimental diagnosis’ others are facing, and the anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy.

The truth is – to God, no storm is too insignificant and no storm is too much for God’s peace to prevail in our hearts. God cares about the big things and the little things in our lives. He sent His Son, Jesus, the Prince of Peace, so we could not just know peace, but also experience and live in peace…the peace that passes all understanding. This peace is ours to enjoy – even while facing the storms. This peace does not originate and is not a product of what is happening on the outside of us. The battle truly begins in our minds. We must pass every thought, every situation, every looming threat through the truths and promises provided to us in the Word of God. The peace we so desperately desire only comes through Jesus Christ.

What storm are you facing? Have you rebuked the source of the storm – the sickness, the demands, the pain, the lack, the thoughts that oppose the truth? Have you commanded “Peace! Be still!” to that storm? Proclaim peace in your situation and believe peace is provided fully to you through Christ.

Holding fast to Hope,


Scripture References: Philippians 4:7-8; 1 Peter 5:7; 2 Thessalonians 3:16; Isaiah 9:6; John 14:27; 1 Corinthians 14:33



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