The Hopes and Fears of All the Years
Shine Your everlasting Light, Lord, upon my every hope, my every fear, my every moment. Focus of the Month:...
Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room
Lord, fill my heart with Your loving gifts this season. May love, joy mercy and grace flow from me! Help...
Do You Know What I Know?
Prayerfully and intently I approach my December activities that I may openly share what I know about Jesus with others. Focus of the...
The Sabbath, A Gift to Behold
“Father, I Receive Your Gift of the Sabbath; My Heart and Soul Rejoice in the Freedom that Awaits Me!” Focus of...
Gathering Together
“One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:5 Focus of the...
Breaking Bread
“…Stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught…” 2 Thessalonians 2:15 Focus of the Month: Traditions Tradition....
Prayer Matters
Lord, Help me remember that when I call Your name You hear me! My battle begins on my knees. ...
True Worship
Lord, teach me how You want to be worshiped. May my worship of You be true, pure, holy and undefiled. ...
Finding Myself in the Scriptures
Your hands have made me, Lord. You are the Potter and I am the clay. Help me find myself in You as...
Treasured Time
Draw me close, fill me up My time with You is a treasure. Focus of the Month: Growing Our Faith...