Small Beginnings
Father, I prepare my heart today to stand firm in faith. I choose to focus upon You and trust You....
Growing Together
Father, may Your words ever be on my lips. May my life be a reflection of You, that others might...
Sincere Heart
Father, Your amazing Grace is enough for me. Your steadfast love carries me through each day. Help me to set...
Who’s Knocking?
Father, so many voices arescreaming for my attention.May I guard the door of my heartto welcome You and listen onlyfor...
Search and Rescue
God, I am valuable to You.You pursued me, found me, and rescued me fromthe darkness surrounding my life. I am...
Fertile Soil
Help me understand Your Word, God.May my heart be prepared to receiveYour truth, and be established fully in it. Series:...
Deeply Rooted
God, as I read Your word I am reminded of Your promises.If I abide in You, You abide in me....
Waste Not, Want Not
Lord, You have created and provided mewith abilities, strengths and gifts.Help me embrace and applythose gifts to fulfill Your purpose.I...
Are You Sleeping?
God, I want to be ready to meet You face to face.I want to live for You fully while on...
Foolish Heart
God, I want to keep You first,above and before all things.I pursue You with passion ~to know You and Your...