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Perpetual Light

Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13 (NLT)

Series Focus: “Let There Be Light”

I sometimes envied those families who had a tradition of camping every summer. They seemed so joyful and had many stories about the fun adventures with their kids and other families. Wanting to experience this, my husband and I gave it our best try. But every single time, we’d spend hours packing, driving, and setting up camp—only for the rain to pour down on us and ruin whatever fun we might have had. Have you ever kept a campfire burning in the rain? Impossible. Needless to say, we had some pretty soggy experiences. Without the light of the fire, much of our adventure was eliminated.

We’ve learned over the past two weeks how important God’s light is for our lives—much more important than a campfire, a flashlight or even the streetlamps. God spoke light into the world, and He became the light that shone the path for the Israelites out of Egypt.

We read in scripture where God instructed Moses to prepare a sanctuary for Him to dwell. Moses was given detailed instructions on how it should be built. Within the Holy Place would be the only source of light. This light was called the lampstand, and it would be fueled continually by the pressed olive oil God’s people would provide.

Then make the seven lamps for the lampstand, and set them so they reflect their light forward. (Exodus 25:37)

“Command the people of Israel to bring you pure oil of pressed olives for the light, to keep the lamps burning continually. (Exodus 27:20)

Just as oil fuels the lamp to give forth light day and night, God provides a light, a Helper, to us when we become believers in Jesus. His Light, the Holy Spirit, dwells in us! We become His sanctuary. As we study God’s word, sit in His presence, and live as He directs, we are a source of light on Earth. We strengthen our faith by continuously fueling our minds, our bodies and our spirits with pure, holy, and honorable things. By spending consistent time with God—love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness flow freely from us. Every day brings new opportunities to shine. Someone needs His Light today. You may not have met them yet, or maybe you have. Fill yourself up, that you may be prepared to pour His Perpetual Light to all you meet.

Holding Fast to Hope,

Scripture References: Exodus 25:37, 27:20; John 15: 1-11; 1 Corinthians 6:9; Philippians 4:8


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