Heart of the Matter
God, help me to be a woman after Your heart. A woman who seeks good for others not harm. May...
Value Beyond Compare
God, help me to see, know, understand, and believe that I am a woman of value – a woman treasured...
Unshakable Faith
Oh Lord, strengthen me in Your Word;May Your praise ever be on my lips! Focus of the Month: Ordinary Women...
Enduring Hope
Lord, You are faithful, just, and perfect in all Your ways. In quietness and trust, I wait upon You. Focus...
Breathing Deep
Father, when I sit in Your presence I feel Your love and peace wash over meHelp me to make my...
The Mother Lode
Father, You provide me with instruction from Your Word and help by Your Spirit. I desire to be obedient –...
Life in the Garden
Amazing is Your creation, Oh Lord!The wind follows your command and the mountains bow before You. Help me to see...
Against All Odds
God, I want to be obedient in every area and with every action to which You call me. Give me...
Out of the Shadows
My Hope is in You, even when I feel invisible.I will trust Your plan and set my eyes upon You!...
The Beauty of Obedience
I will trust You with my life, Lord, and I will humbly obey Your Word. Focus of the Month: Ordinary...