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Clothed in Majesty

The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty; The Lord has clothed and encircled Himself with strength. Indeed, the world is firmly established; it will not be moved.
Psalm 93:1 (NASB)

Series Focus: “Let There Be Light”

Playing dress up was one of my girls’ favorite things to do when they were little. Princess dresses, tiaras, fancy plastic shoes and purses adorned the playroom floor at the end of one of those days. When bath time arrived, remnants of lipstick would be wiped from their precious little faces, and off to bed they would go. As I folded those gowns to put them away, I would smile and think to myself how much fun they had living in the world of Kings and Queens for a day. I had no idea at the time, but years later, I would become a Daughter of the King of Kings!

Saying “yes” to Jesus was my first step into a new life. Saying good-bye to some old habits that caused sin to creep into my life was one thing, but to fully understand the magnitude of God’s Grace, the depth of His Love, and the power of His Holy Spirit within me, was a much harder concept. I had to believe in my heart these things weren’t just for “dress up,” only to be had on the days I performed my best deeds. He gave them freely and wholly out of pure love for me. I would be dressed in His amazing light because of His Majesty not mine.

Go to the beginning, when God created the Heavens and the Earth. He spoke light into existence. But it wasn’t created for Him—it was created for us. God’s magnificence could illuminate the universe. But knowing we would need light to live—He spoke, and with His breath gave us light. And the light was good. Psalm 104 speaks to the creation of the world.

The Lord wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent
(Psalm 104:2 NIV)

God, draped in splendor, hovered over the waters and brought all things of this earth into being. We will be forever covered by His glorious light as we come to know Him and trust in His Son, Jesus Christ. With His garment of light upon us, our lives will transform to look more like Him and less like the world. In Christ there is no darkness, only light. As our lives reflect Christ more and more, sin and rebellion can’t live harmoniously in us. We put aside our old self!

The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. (Romans 13:12 NIV)

Paul, writes to the church in Ephesus, to help them understand they are children of light. They are covered in a robe of beauty because of what Jesus did for them. They were not just living in darkness—scripture says they were dark. But, if they seek what is pleasing to God, He clothes them in light and their lives bear the fruit of light. They reflect all that is good, and right and true! And so, can we.

Therefore do not become partners with them; for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. (Ephesians 5:7-10 ESV)

What are you dressed up in today sister? If you are a believer, you are wearing the armor of light. You are clothed in the majesty God provides. You are not your past sins; you are not your bad habits – these things do not define you. You are loved and forgiven by a God who drapes you in beauty and covers you with His shining, never ending light. Be bright, be bold and let His light shine through you – all for the Glory of God!

Holding Fast to Hope,

Scripture References: Psalm 93:1, 104:2, 21:5; Genesis 1:1-3; Romans 13:12; Ephesians 5:7-10; 2Corinthians 5:17


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