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Jump Right In

Now may the God of peace…equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Hebrews 13:20-21 (NASB)


Series: Games People Play

The bell rang for recess, and we ran to grab a long or short coiled rope from the coatroom. Some gathered with their favorite team to jump rope together, while others found a spot to jump alone. Soon the playground echoed with catchy rhymes.

Cinderella dressed in yellow
Went upstairs to kiss her fellow.
Made a mistake
And kissed a snake.
How many doctors did it take? 1,2,3

We didn’t know we were boosting our heart health, improving our coordination, or relieving anxiety. We were just having fun.

I remember loving jump rope. I was the littlest in my class, short and skinny, and the last one picked for team sports since I had little strength or stamina. But I could turn the team rope, and I was a great jumper. I practiced jumping by myself so I would be better when I participated with the team. Those times of practicing alone helped build my confidence, agility, and focus.

Remembering those days of jumping solo, I thought about the times Jesus would separate himself from everyone. He went by Himself into the wilderness fasting, praying, and overcoming Satan’s temptations. Facing the cross, He retreated to the Garden of Gethsemane to speak alone with His Father. He was building His physical and spiritual endurance.                          

Jesus also spent time with His twelve disciples and with the crowds who gathered to follow Him. When He commissioned the disciples, He sent them out two by two.

And He called His twelve disciples together and began sending them out two by two, giving them authority to cast out evil spirits. (Mark 6:7 NLT)

He said where two or three were gathered in His name, He would be there with them.

For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there among them.” (Matthew 18:20 CSB)

Often in God’s Word, we are told the importance of being together. Ecclesiastes 4 tells us we will accomplish more by working together. If we fall, there is someone to pick us up. You will be a lot warmer if you are not alone in the cold. When you are attacked from all sides, you need others to help win the victory. A single thread is weak, but a threefold cord isn’t easily broken.

The first Church met and enjoyed fellowship as they listened to Christ’s teachings. They gathered in their homes and shared meals. Together they went out and spread the Good News.

It’s important to have personal alone time with God. Through worship, praise, prayer, and reading the Word, we develop an intimate relationship with Him. We learn what He has called us to and our strength is renewed.

When we build Christian relationships with our sisters in Christ, we are imitating the early Church. We should look for opportunities to gather and study His Word, lift each other in prayer, share our burdens and joys, serve in our communities and churches, and spread His love wherever we are together. He likened us to a body, many parts, but each with a purpose—together.

As a young mother, I learned a new rhyme, an example of what God desires for each of us to do as His children.

Susie on the ocean.
Susie on the sea.
Susie got saved,
And then told me.
I told Ma.
Ma told Pa.
Now we’re all goin’ to heaven
With a ha ha ha.

I can’t jump well anymore, but I’m still a good rope-turner. I love my private time with God, but oh, the joy of sharing and serving with my sisters.

Find your place, your team, your study group, and jump right in. See how your heart benefits, your confidence increases, and your focus leads you to places you never dreamed of with Him.

Holding Fast to Hope,


Scripture References: Hebrews 13:20-21; Mark 6:7; Matthew 4:1-11, 18:20; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Acts 2:41-47


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