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Unshakable Faith

Oh Lord, strengthen me in Your Word;
May Your praise ever be on my lips!

Focus of the Month: Ordinary Women with Extraordinary Hope

Women. Smart, strong, capable, loving, determined, desperate, trusting, lonely, prayerful, obedient, repentant…and the Lord God created them all. We have walked through the lives of many women from the bible over the past six months. We have seen what God can do with an ordinary woman who puts her hope in Him. I am encouraged by these women. Where is my hope found? How will I be remembered? Will I have a story like Abigail? Perhaps Deborah? Maybe Esther? No, I won’t – but I will have a story written only for me – by my Perfect Creator.

As we delve into our message this week, my heart longs to share the importance of not just knowing about God but of knowing God, Himself. Having a faith so intentional, so unshakable that those who come after you will remember the ONE you put your hope in. Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Paul was a man who sought to share the gospel no matter the cost. And the cost for him was great. He was joined in ministry by a young man named Timothy. Paul, referred to Timothy as, his “true son in the faith”. As Paul writes letters to Timothy from a Roman prison, he reflects upon his experiences with his protege. This is how we learn about Lois, the grandmother, and Eunice, the mother, of Timothy.

Paul credits the devout and fervent faith of Timothy to the sincere and purposeful upbringing by both Lois and Eunice. Timothy’s strong faith was a result of his grandmother and mother sharing the works and splendor of God with him. These women taught Timothy the truth of God’s Word, lived lives that modeled their faith in God and because of their boldness others came to know God deeper.

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. (2 Timothy 3:14-15)

What a beautiful picture of how a women’s faith, when shared, can affect the lives of so many others. Although my life has not always reflected a fervent and desperate need for Jesus or completely shown the beauty of my Creator, my God is faithful. The gifts that He deposited in me long ago have come to life because of women who shared the gospel with me. Because of women who like, Lois and Eunice, took the time to tell me of the wondrous works Christ accomplished in their lives. My faith has been strengthened by watching God’s faithfulness and love for me bloom in many ways.

I could choose to dwell in regret over the years that weren’t so pleasing to God – or I can rise up as His daughter and live the rest of my life telling others of the miracles I have witnessed through Him. That is an easy choice for me. I choose to share Him.

Becoming a woman with an unshakable faith isn’t easy but it is possible with God. So, will you take the chance and share Him with another woman in your life today? The possibilities for her life will be boundless.
To God be the Glory. Forever and ever. Amen.

Holding Fast to Hope,

Scripture References: 2 Timothy 1:5; Acts 16:1; 2 Timothy 3:14-15; Romans 16:21; Psalm 145:5; Matthew 19:26


One comment on “Unshakable Faith”

  1. Judi Koehler
    March 15, 2025 at 8:23 am

    So precious!! These verses from Paul make me so much more determined to be a grandmother who always shares the love of Christ and shows the love of Christ to my grandchildren!!!! My greatest joy is to know my children walk in the truth and now to know that 15 of my 18 grandchildren walk with him!!! 3 yet to enter into the kingdom of God!!!!!

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