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Whom Shall I Fear?

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom should I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1-2 (HCSB)

Series Focus: “Rising From the Valley”

With a blindfold wrapped securely over my eyes, I swung the bat mightily at the candy filled piñata. I knew it was there, but without my sight, I could swing over and over and miss it. Sure, I might hit the side a bit if I was lucky. But until the blindfold was removed, I could not strike it directly with enough force to knock it down and partake of the goodies hidden inside.

I have so many sentimental memories of my daughter’s parties when piñatas were a definite crowd pleaser. No matter how many young girls and boys tried exhaustively to knock it down, the game always ended with the same outcome. “Daddy!!” My husband came to the rescue with the strongest blows and as the candy flooded out, the kids scrambled to collect it. When it was all said and done, that big, bad piñata had met its match.

Have you felt the weight of an unexpected battle lately? A difficulty you can’t escape or see a possibility of triumph? The days grow long, your strength lessens, but you keep swinging blindly in the wind. Do you feel alone? Frightened? Maybe unsure if combat will ever cease? The enemy who is waging this war against you is real and would love nothing more than to keep you in that corner, trapped and paralyzed. In Psalm 27, King David expresses his thoughts about his enemies:

When evildoers came against me to devour my flesh, my foes and my enemies stumbled and fell. Though an army deploys against me, my heart is not afraid; though a war breaks out against me, still I am confident. (vs 2-3 HCSB)

When the enemy brings chaos, trouble, or pain into your life, are you able to remain confident in God’s protection and goodness? Can you cling to Him tightly? Do you remind yourself that these battles are not against flesh and blood, but are the work of the spiritual forces of darkness and evil? We inadvertently allow the enemy to gain ground, whether in our thoughts, emotions, or actions, because we can’t see him coming.

Although his appearance remains hidden, he is bringing discouragement, worry, and fear upon us at every turn. He wants to blind us with lies. God doesn’t care. God isn’t here. It is all God’s fault. Without a preexistent confident assurance, set deep within our souls, we will fall prey to the enemy. Remember, the enemy lurks, hides, sneaks, devours, and destroys. Our Father loves, cares, rescues, delivers and redeems! In verses 13-14 of Psalm 27, we read:

I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lordbe strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! (ESV)

Let us wait upon the Lord, strengthening ourselves in His truth and grace. Have courage, rise and leave the enemy behind in the valley. And never forget, as you seek His face—call out “DADDY!” There is power in His name and the enemy is no match.

Holding Fast to Hope,

For Reflection: Take a moment to read Psalm 27. As you set your mind upon the Lord, ask Him to show you any fears, troubles, or worries you are carrying today. Find a scripture to help you in those times the enemy is gaining ground. Hold to the truth of God’s word while you expose the lies of the enemy. Once those lies are brought to light, you are free to release them into the mighty hands of your Savior. Grow in confidence that God holds every victory over the enemy.

Scripture References: Psalm 27; Psalm 7:2, 10:9, 17:12, 22:13 & 21; Ephesians 6:12; 1 Peter 5:8


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